I have spent decades in our wonderful forests, witnessing their cycles of destruction and regeneration, and in all that time, I’ve seen one constant: public perception remains stubbornly fixed on a false image of forestry. Headlines scream of devastation. Activists show photos of freshly logged areas, convincing the public that this is a permanent state.
When the railways of Queensland and New South Wales met in 1888, the border towns of Wallangarra and Jennings were created. It was the only rail link between Brisbane and Sydney, leading to a new era in transport. As a consequence, both states introduced the Intercolonial Express train service.
However, the two governments could not resolve the differences in the railway gauges between each state.
“Science requires open debate. It does not advance by consensus or political pressure”.
What is science
“The scientific method requires scientists to test all theories. Science progresses not by claiming a theory is true but by proving a theory is false”.
I will start this essay by clarifying what science is not.